Using NuGet with TFS

Amongst other things, I use TFS and NuGet. When I move to a new machine, TFS will give me the code but the packages will be missing.

I tried the solution context menu command to “Enable NuGet Package Restore” and checked it in but when I updated the solution files on the other machine it made a complete pig’s ear of things and half of the projects in the solution wouldn’t load because of missing files. So I backed that out…

ASIDE: why is it so hard to back out a big check-in, in TFS? Surely, one of the major reasons for source control is to save your bacon? So, why is it so hard to back out a change?  Why can’t I simply point at a check-in and go “Revert to this point”.  Yes, it should ask me if I’m sure.  Possibly, it should point out how dangerous and possibly stupid this is.  But it should be that easy, not like this. [Not that I’m complaining about that post – saved me lots of fun.]

… and had a poke around t’Internet. As shown here, it’s easy to get the packages.

First, to download the packages, you need to get nuget.exe, which you can find here.

Now, my solutions are often quite large and I wanted an easier way that running that for every project folder. A bit of fiddling with PowerShell (which is also always harder than I think it should be) and I arrived at this one-liner which iterates through your solution folder and downloads missing packages:

PS C:\Users\Public\...{SolutionDir}\.nuget> gci -include "packages.config" -recurse ..\ | % { .\nuget install $_.FullName -o Packages }

nuget.exe is in the .nuget folder where Enable NuGet Package Restore put it.

If you try it, you should see something like this:

All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
Successfully installed ‘CommonServiceLocator 1.0’.
Successfully installed ‘Prism.UnityExtensions’.
Successfully installed ‘Unity 2.1.505.0’.
Successfully installed ‘Prism’.
Successfully installed ‘SharpSerializer 2.18’.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
Successfully installed ‘NUnit’.
Successfully installed ‘NSubstitute’.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.

I haven’t tested it extensively so, as with everything here, use it advisedly.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentException: An element with id ‘Form1’ could not be found.

I’ve been trying to add some Ajax to a Web Forms page.  It’s the first time I’ve used Ajax since dabbling with it when it was lauched.  I’ve had a problem:

“Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentException: An element with id ‘Form1’ could not be found.
Parameter name: elementOrElementId”

I just found the solution here.  I had added a script using:

  <script src="Scripts/silverlight-detector.js" type="text/javascript" />

and when I changed it to:

  <script src="Scripts/silverlight-detector.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

it worked.  I know I’ll make this mistake again because I don’t like empty tags (uuuuuugly) and always write empty ones in the shortened form.  Since it was far from the first hit on the search, I’ve reproduced it here so I can find it again, quickly.

Poor UI Design – iTunes

I hate iTunes.  It seems an odd thing to say about a piece of software.  But I do.  My iPhone cost me a fortune.  As far as I’m concerned, it should be an appliance.  It should be as simple to operate as a stereo.  On the whole, the phone is.  But using iTunes is a painful experience, every time.

Now, I’ll accept that some of this is a Windows-bias.  I object to having a Mac-styled app thrust upon me.  But here are two concrete, and indefensible, examples of the garbage that it iTunes.


For no reason that I am aware of, iTunes ‘lost’ its configuration.  There was no error message: one day, it was downloading podcasts and the next it wasn’t.  This has happened before.  I tried, in vain, to copy the podcast definitions from the iPhone to iTunes but I couldn’t see how.  So, I started to set them up again.  Now, I tend to listen to podcasts in batches.  Some of the ones on my phone weren’t still downloadable.  So, I had to listen to all of the old podcasts before I could re-sync because iTunes overwrites everything in this situation.  Grrrrr!

That week, I downloaded a couple more apps.  I’d downloaded a few and they’d just overflowed the existing layout and appeared on a new pane, as they do.  So I went to iTunes to organise them.  It had lost the layouts as well.  When I clicked the Sync button on the apps page the old layouts which had been visible in iTunes (but sort-of greyed-out) were replaced with apps spread over twelve panes and random folders, sometimes two or three to a pane.  It took me over an hour to copy the existing layouts from the phone to iTunes, just so i could re-sync them back and add the new apps to the old folders.  Grrrrr!

Example 1

Anyway, on to the first example.  I realised later that iTunes had also lost all of my music.  And books.  And films.  In fact, everything.  So I tried to work out how to get them back.  I knew the music would be in folders so I had a browse round, found a likely candidate and tried File > Add Folder to Library… etc.

It started asking me this:

iTunes dialog box which reads: The app "Books" already exists in your iTunes library.  Do you want to replace it with the one you are moving?

It asked me it a lot.  In fact, 238 times, one for each app.  Actually, I’m guessing: I didn’t count.  I just clicked.  For a long time.  Who thinks this is the right way to do this?

But this isn’t really the problem.  Read the dialog again.  ‘Replace’ or ‘Don’t Replace’.  Which should I pick?  What are the consequences of picking either?  Why doesn’t it tell me?  There is a similar dialog which warns be I’m about to replace a newer version which suggests that in this case the versions are the same or the replacement is newer.  But it doesn’t tell me which of those.  I picked Don’t Replace.   I still don’t know if I did the right thing.

I don’t really understand why the dialogs appeared at all.  But I don’t want to: it’s an appliance.  Except that it’s not.

Example 2

Here’s the second example.  At the end of the process described above, I clicked on TV Programmes in Library.  This appeared:

Again, what are the consequences of clicking either?  If I click Don’t Apply, will I lose everything I’ve just done or will there be an opportunity to apply it later?

I clicked Apply.  It’s still syncing.  [I actually typed sinking there, which is how I feel now!]

And a dialog box appeared mid-sentence; clearly, I typed a relevant letter and it’s closed so I have no idea what I’ve done there.  Mind you, I can’t blame iTunes for that: responsiblility for windows being able to take the keyboard focus sits with MS – they have a lot for which to answer with that design decision.

Making Wrong Code Look Wrong – Joel on Software

It’s an old post but it was new to me: Making Wrong Code Look Wrong – Joel on Software where Joel talks about the differences between Apps Hungarian and System Hungarian prefixes and argues in favour of the former.

I’ve been a user of System Hungarian (in my vbScript days) without realising that there were two dialects, or that I was using the ‘wrong’ one.

The idea behind Apps Hungarian is definitely food for thought…

Fun with IIS 7.5 and Kerberos

I’ve recently had some fun setting up load-balanced IIS 7.5 (Server 2008 R2) servers to use Kerberos with the Default Web Site running under an AppPool which uses a domain account.

Now that my monitors have been replaced, I’ve got my new keyboard and have glued my mouse buttons back on, I thought I’d share some resources that helped.

First, Ken Schaefer’s series on Kerberos itself, to remind me how it works:

Then Brian Murphy-Booth (a.k.a. Brian Booth) ‘s excellent tool DelegConfig:

The last one of those has four sections: Installing IIS; Installing the web application; Configuring Network Service as the AppPool Identity; and Configuring a domain based user account as the AppPool Identity.  This last section held the key for me: I’d remembered everything else from a previous smashing-my-face-into-the-desk exercise except unchecking “Enable Kernel-mode authentication” in the Advanced Settings on the Windows Authentication entry of the Authentication feature.  Talk about hidden away…

So, now it all works.  Today.  If I’m feeling brave, I’ll restart everything tomorrow morning and see if it’s still working.  🙂


I realised that the instructions in Addendum: Making the DelegConfig website work on IIS 7 refer to the Classic .NET AppPool.  My servers are built with an unattended build process so my starting point was an R2 server with IIS installed and the .NET Framework 4.0.  I created my own App Pool called DefaultWebSiteAppPool [there’s a time for originality and there’s a time for sticking to the bleedin’ obvious] with .NET Framework version v4.0.30319 and Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated with the identity set to my domain account.


How to query the Active Directory Schema using LinqToLdap

When creating ClassMaps for earlier articles, I’ve needed info from the AD Schema.  Earlier, I thought, “Why not do this using LinqToLdap?”  So I did.  In this article, I show you what’s needed so you can do the same.  I build on earlier articles, Creating a directory objects assembly for LinqToLdap, in particular.


First, I added a couple of properties to Top.cs: adminDescription and adminDisplayName. I’d already created a new subclass of Top, TopX, to hold attributes for other directory object classes I haven’t blogged about, yet. I’m not keen on the name, so it may change. Feel free to offer alternatives.

Then, I created new directory object class files called ClassSchema.cs and AttributeSchema.cs with matching ClassMap files, ClassSchemaMap.cs and AttributeSchemaMap.cs.

Finally, I used them in a series of queries.  I’ve included all of the files below.  Here are some examples of queries I’ve run.

The first example retrieves a particular classSchema entry, user, and displays selected properties.

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var config = new LdapConfiguration()
            .AddMapping(new ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps.AttributeSchemaMap())
            .AddMapping(new ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps.ClassSchemaMap());

        var factory = config.ConfigureFactory("dc1");    // Insert your DC name or domain DNS name here

        var context = new DirectoryContext();

        // ----- Start of section to replace -----

        var query = context.Query<ClassSchema>()
            .Where(c => c.lDAPDisplayName.Equals("user"));

        foreach (var item in query)
            Console.WriteLine("lDAPDisplayName = {0}", item.lDAPDisplayName);
            DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(item.subClassOf, "subClassOf");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.systemAuxiliaryClass, "systemAuxiliaryClass");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.auxiliaryClass, "auxiliaryClass");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.systemMustContain, "systemMustContain");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.mustContain, "mustContain");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.systemMayContain, "systemMayContain");
            DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(item.mayContain, "mayContain");

        // ----- End of section to replace -----

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress a key to continue...");

    private static void DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(Object attribute, string attributeName)
        if (attribute != null)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-30}: {1}", attributeName, attribute);

    private static void DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(Collection<String> attributeValues, string attributeName)
        if (attributeValues != null)
            var list = new List<String>(attributeValues);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}:", attributeName);
            foreach (var item in list)
                Console.WriteLine("    {0}", item);

The second example retrieves all classSchema entries which have mailRecipient as an auxiliaryClass or systemAuxiliaryClass and displays their lDAPDisplayNames.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var query = context.Query<ClassSchema>()
        .Where(c => (c.auxiliaryClass.Contains("mailRecipient") || c.systemAuxiliaryClass.Contains("mailRecipient")));

    foreach (var item in query)
    // ----- End of section to replace -----

The third example retrieves all classSchema entries which have mail as an attribute displays their lDAPDisplayNames.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var query = context.Query<ClassSchema>()
        .Where(c => (c.mustContain.Contains("mail")
            || c.systemMustContain.Contains("mail")
            || c.mayContain.Contains("mail")
            || c.systemMayContain.Contains("mail")));

    foreach (var item in query)
    // ----- End of section to replace -----

The fourth example retrieves and displays all of the mapped attributes of all attributeSchema entries.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    // ----- End of section to replace -----


    private static void DisplayAllAttributes(DirectoryContext context)
        var query = context.Query<AttributeSchema>();

        var attributes = from a in query
                            select a;

        foreach (var attribute in attributes)

    private static void DisplaySchemaAttribute(AttributeSchema attribute)
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.lDAPDisplayName, "lDAPDisplayName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.commonName, "commonName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.adminDescription, "adminDescription");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.adminDescription, "adminDescription");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.attributeID, "attributeID");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.attributeSyntax, "attributeSyntax");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.classDisplayName, "classDisplayName");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(attribute.description, "description");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.displayName, "displayName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.distinguishedName, "distinguishedName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.isDefunct, "isDefunct");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet, "isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.isSingleValued, "isSingleValued");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.linkID, "linkID");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(, "name");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.objectGuid, "objectGuid");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.oMObjectClass, "oMObjectClass");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.oMSyntax, "oMSyntax");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.rangeLower, "rangeLower");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.rangeUpper, "rangeUpper");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.searchFlags, "searchFlags");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(attribute.systemOnly, "systemOnly");

The fifth example retrieves and displays all of the mapped attributes of all classSchema entries.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    // ----- End of section to replace -----


    private static void DisplayAllClasses(DirectoryContext context)
        var schemaQuery = context.Query<ClassSchema>();

        var schemaclasses = from a in schemaQuery
                            select a;

        foreach (var schemaClass in schemaclasses)

    private static void DisplaySchemaClass(ClassSchema schemaClass)
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.lDAPDisplayName, "lDAPDisplayName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.commonName, "commonName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.adminDescription, "adminDescription");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.adminDisplayName, "adminDisplayName");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.auxiliaryClass, "auxiliaryClass");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.classDisplayName, "classDisplayName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.defaultHidingValue, "defaultHidingValue");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.defaultObjectCategory, "defaultObjectCategory");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.description, "description");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.displayName, "displayName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.distinguishedName, "distinguishedName");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.governsID, "governsID");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.isDefunct, "isDefunct");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.mayContain, "mayContain");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.mustContain, "mustContain");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(, "name");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.objectClassCategory, "objectClassCategory");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.objectGuid, "objectGuid");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.possSuperiors, "possSuperiors");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.rDNAttID, "rDNAttID");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.schemaIDGUID, "schemaIDGUID");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.showInAdvancedViewOnly, "showInAdvancedViewOnly");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.subClassOf, "subClassOf");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.systemAuxiliaryClass, "systemAuxiliaryCLass");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.systemMayContain, "systemMayContain");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.systemMustContain, "systemMustContain");
        DisplaySingleValuedAttribute(schemaClass.systemOnly, "systemOnly");
        DisplayMultiValuedAttribute(schemaClass.systemPossSuperiors, "systemPossSuperiors");

Top and TopX

This is what Top looks like, now. Note that I’ve added a namespace, AbstractClasses, and moved Top into it. The ‘Abstract’ part refers to classes that are abstract in the project rather than in Active Directory. I’ve also added an abstract class, TopX. It contains commonName which is actually part of top but is optional. It’s absent from organizationalUnit so it doesn’t make sense to have it in Top. It also contains description, in it’s multi-valued incarnation. See the class summaries for more info.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.AbstractClasses
    /// <summary>
    /// Classes should not normally inherit Top but should instead choose one of
    /// existing subclasses: <see cref="TopX"/>, <see cref="SecPrinMailRecipEtc"/> 
    /// or <see cref="OrganizationalUnitObject"/> as these have additional 
    /// attributes common to other classes.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class Top : DirectoryObjectBase
        /// <summary>
        /// The description displayed on admin screens.
        /// [From:]
        /// RangeLower: 0
        /// RangeUpper: 1024
        /// </summary>
        public String adminDescription { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// The name to be displayed on admin screens.
        /// [From:]
        /// RangeLower: 1
        /// RangeUpper: 256
        /// </summary>
        public String adminDisplayName { get; set; }

        // description cannot be implemented here because it has different uses in 
        // Active Directory.  For SAM-managed objects, it is used as if it were
        // defined as single-valued.  For other objects, it is used as defined, 
        // which is as a multi-valued object.  For this reason, I think it makes
        // sense to implement it differently for SAM- and non-SAM-managed objects.
        // See the definitions of SecPrinMailRecipEtc and OrganizationalUnit for
        // examples.
        // Ref:

        private string _displayName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display-Name.  The display name for an object. This is usually 
        /// the combination of the users first name, middle initial, and last name.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String displayName
            get { return this._displayName; }
                if (value != this._displayName)
                    this._displayName = value;
                    AttributeChanged<Top, String>(a => a.displayName);

        /// <summary>
        /// Obj-Dist-Name.
        /// </summary>
        public String distinguishedName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// RDN.  The Relative Distinguished Name of an object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String name { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Object-Guid.  The unique identifier for an object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Guid objectGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// USN-Changed.  USN value assigned by the local directory for the 
        /// latest change, including creation.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 uSNChanged { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// USN-Created.  USN-Changed value assigned at object creation.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 uSNCreated { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// When-Changed.  The date when this object was last changed. This 
        /// value is not replicated and exists in the global catalog.
        /// [From:"]
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime whenChanged { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// When-Created.  The date when this object was created. This value
        /// is replicated and is in the global catalog.
        /// [From:"]
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime whenCreated { get; set; }

        private string _wWWHomePage;
        /// <summary>
        /// WWW-HomePage.  The primary webpage.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String wWWHomePage
            get { return this._wWWHomePage; }
                if (value != this._wWWHomePage)
                    this._wWWHomePage = value;
                    AttributeChanged<Top, String>(a => a.wWWHomePage);

and TopX:

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.AbstractClasses
    /// <summary>
    /// Top, with additional attributes.  Non-SAM classes should
    /// normally use this class as their parent class.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class TopX : Top
        public String commonName { get; set; }  // Top (but optional)

        private Collection<string> _description;     // top (see note on Top)
        /// <summary>
        /// Description.  Contains the description to display for an object. In 
        /// Active Directory, this value is restricted as single-valued for 
        /// backward compatibility in some cases but is allowed to be multi-valued
        /// in others. See 'Remarks' on the follow link.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Collection<String> description
            get { return this._description; }
                if (value != this._description)
                    this._description = value;
                    AttributeChanged<TopX, Collection<String>>(a => a.description);

ClassSchema and ClassSchemaMap

First, ClassSchema. Note that I’ve created a namespace, SchemaClasses, to hold the directory object classes for attributes and classes.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.SchemaClasses
    public class ClassSchema : ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.AbstractClasses.TopX
        public Collection<String> auxiliaryClass { get; set; }
        public String classDisplayName { get; set; }
        public Boolean defaultHidingValue { get; set; }
        public String defaultObjectCategory { get; set; }
        public String governsID { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Boolean> isDefunct { get; set; }
        public String lDAPDisplayName { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> mayContain { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> mustContain { get; set; }
        public Int32 objectClassCategory { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> possSuperiors { get; set; }
        public String rDNAttID { get; set; }
        public Guid schemaIDGUID { get; set; }
        public Boolean showInAdvancedViewOnly { get; set; }
        public String subClassOf { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> systemAuxiliaryClass { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> systemMayContain { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> systemMustContain { get; set; }
        public Boolean systemOnly { get; set; }
        public Collection<String> systemPossSuperiors { get; set; }

then, ClassSchemaMap

using System;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps
    public class ClassSchemaMap : ClassMap<ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.SchemaClasses.ClassSchema>
        public ClassSchemaMap()
            NamingContext("CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger");   //   Replace with your defaultNamingContext

            // From ClassSchema
            Map(x => x.auxiliaryClass).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.classDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.defaultHidingValue).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.defaultObjectCategory).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.governsID).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.isDefunct).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.lDAPDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.mayContain).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.mustContain).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.objectClassCategory).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.possSuperiors).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.rDNAttID).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.schemaIDGUID).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.showInAdvancedViewOnly).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.subClassOf).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemAuxiliaryClass).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemMayContain).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemMustContain).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemOnly).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemPossSuperiors).StoreGenerated();

            // From TopX
            Map(x => x.commonName).Named("cn").StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.description).StoreGenerated();

            // From Top
            DistinguishedName(x => x.distinguishedName);

            Map(x => x.adminDescription).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.adminDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.displayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.objectGuid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.wWWHomePage).StoreGenerated();

AttributeSchema and AttributeSchemaMap

Now, AttributeSchema.

using System;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.SchemaClasses
    public class AttributeSchema : ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.AbstractClasses.TopX
        public AttributeSchema() { }

        public String attributeID { get; set; }
        public String attributeSyntax { get; set; }
        public String classDisplayName { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Boolean> isDefunct { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Boolean> isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet { get; set; }
        public Boolean isSingleValued { get; set; }
        public String lDAPDisplayName { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Int32> linkID { get; set; }
        public Byte[] oMObjectClass { get; set; }
        public Int32 oMSyntax { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Int32> rangeLower { get; set; }
        public Nullable<Int32> rangeUpper { get; set; }
        public Int32 searchFlags { get; set; }
        public Boolean systemOnly { get; set; }

then, AttributeSchemaMap:

using System;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps
    public class AttributeSchemaMap : ClassMap<ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.SchemaClasses.AttributeSchema>
        public AttributeSchemaMap()
            NamingContext("CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger");   //   Replace with your defaultNamingContext

            // From AttributeSchema

            Map(x => x.attributeID).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.attributeSyntax).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.classDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.isDefunct).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.isSingleValued).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.lDAPDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.linkID).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.oMObjectClass).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.oMSyntax).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.rangeLower).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.rangeUpper).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.searchFlags).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.systemOnly).StoreGenerated();

            // From TopX
            Map(x => x.commonName).Named("cn").StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.description).StoreGenerated();

            // From Top
            DistinguishedName(x => x.distinguishedName);

            Map(x => x.adminDescription).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.adminDisplayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.displayName).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.objectGuid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.wWWHomePage).StoreGenerated();

Note that the NamingContexts on both ClassMaps have been set to the forest schemaNamingContext.


It only took me a few minutes to set these up and now I can query the schema the same way I run other queries.  I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Retrieving move than 500 objects with LinqToLdap

By default, LinqToLdap sets the page size to be 500 objects, meaning standard queries will only return the first 500 objects.

This article builds on the article OrganizationalUnit CRUD and uses the same OrganizationalUnitObject and OrganizationalUnitObjectMap classes.

Before we start, it’s probably a good idea to make sure you’ve got a large number of OUs to play with. If you haven’t, you’ll have to adapt the code to work with objects you have got. Or wait until I write about users and groups. ADU&C will show all that there are: I suggest you go to the top of your domain and use the Find dialog to get a count. I had about 8,000.

So, what do we get if we don’t do anything special? Here’s the Program.cs to start with:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToLdap;

namespace BlogOuTest1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = new LdapConfiguration()
                .AddMapping(new OrganizationalUnitObjectMap());

            var counter = 0;
            var context = new DirectoryContext();

            // ----- Start of section to replace -----
            var allOUsQuery = context.Query();

            var ous = from o in allOUsQuery
                      select o;

            foreach (var ou in ous)
                Console.WriteLine("Ou: {0}",
            // ----- End of section to replace -----

            Console.WriteLine("Counter = {0}", counter);
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress a key to continue...");

With this, I get a list of OUs and then

Counter = 500

Which was as expected because the default page size in LinqToLdap is 500. So, how do we get more?

Since the Active Directory default maximum page size, on the server, is 1000 we could increase the page size used by LinqToLdap. If you replace the config definition with the following, you’ll get 1000 objects returned:

    var config = new LdapConfiguration()
        .AddMapping(new OrganizationalUnitObjectMap())

It’s better, but still not what we’re after. To get the rest, we’re going to have to get the server to page through the data. So, how do we do that in LinqToLdap? First, I’m going to revert to the original (LinqToLdap) default page size of 500 by removing the MaxPageSizeIs(1000) line.

Now, you have two choices. If you just want to retrieve all objects, you can use InPagesOf(n); if you want to process the objects as you retrieve them, you can use ToPage().

InPagesOf() – retrieving the objects in one pass

You can use a query like this to retrieve all of the objects in one pass:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToLdap;
using LinqToLdap.Collections;

namespace BlogOuTest3
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = new LdapConfiguration()
                .AddMapping(new OrganizationalUnitObjectMap());

            var context = new DirectoryContext();

            // ----- Start of section to replace -----

            var ous = context.Query<OrganizationalUnitObject>()
                .Select(u => u.organizationalUnitName)

            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var ou in ous)
                Console.WriteLine("Ou: {0}",ou);

            // ----- End of section to replace -----

            Console.WriteLine("Counter = {0}", counter);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress a key to continue...");

I’ve chosen a silly page size for this one, so it’ll page even if you’ve only a handful of OUs. There is a scenario where this won’t work and it’s one that had me scratching my head for quite a while. So far, I’ve been chosing the root container (the domainDNS container, otherwise known as the defaultNamingContext) of my domain as the NamingContext on the ClassMaps, for example:


But for searches to work against the root container, you need another search control:


So the query statement should look like this:

var ous = context.Query<OrganizationalUnitObject>()
    .WithControls(new[] { new SearchOptionsControl(SearchOption.DomainScope) })
    .Select(u => u.organizationalUnitName)

I eventually found this here. It doesn’t say why and I still haven’t worked that out. I’ve run individual searches against every OU and container in the root container and they all work without the control, so it’s something to do with searching the root container itself. I’ll update if I ever sort it out.

ToPage() – processing objects in pages

You can use ToPage() in a query to process the objects in pages as you retrieve them. Here’s an example. First, I’ve added a method to the Program class:

   private static int ProcessPage(int counter, ILdapPage<string> page)
        if (page.Count > 0)
            foreach (var ou in page.ToList())
                Console.WriteLine("Ou: {0}", ou);

        return counter;

All it does is display the results and increment a counter, then sleep for half a sec so you can see that it’s happening page by page.

Then, I’ve replaced the section between the comments, in the code sample above, with the following:

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var counter = 0;

    ILdapPage<string> page = context.Query<OrganizationalUnitObject>()
        .WithControls(new[] { new SearchOptionsControl(SearchOption.DomainScope) })
        .Select(o => o.distinguishedName)

    counter = ProcessPage(counter, page);

    while (page.HasNextPage)
        var pageSize = page.PageSize;
        var nextPage = page.NextPage;

        page = context.Query<OrganizationalUnitObject>()
            .WithControls(new[] { new SearchOptionsControl(SearchOption.DomainScope) })
            .Select(o => o.distinguishedName)
            .ToPage(pageSize, nextPage);

        counter = ProcessPage(counter, page);

    // ----- End of section to replace -----

When you run the code you should see the results appear a page at a time.

Attribute Scope Queries using LinqToLdap

Attribute Scope Queries can be very useful – given a directory object, say a group, they allow you to search objects that are associated with it by distinguishedName and return their properties.

Using attribute scope queries, you can (for example):

  • return the mail properties of the members of a group;
  • return the sAMAccountName and telephoneNumber property of a user’s manager.
  • return the lastLogonTimestamp of the accounts listed in a user’s seeAlso attribute.

Here are some examples. They use the usual project definition:

This first example, shows how to extraact the  cn, sAMAccountName and email addresses (mail) of the members of a group. Replace Program.cs with this:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToLdap;

namespace AttributeScopeQuery1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = new LdapConfiguration();
            config.ConfigureFactory("dc1");    // Insert your DC name or domain DNS name here

            var context = new DirectoryContext();

            // ----- Start of section to replace -----

            var distinguishedName = "CN=Group1,OU=Test Groups,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger";
            var response = context.Query(distinguishedName, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Base)
                .WithControls(new[] { new System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl("member") })
                .Where(u => Filter.Equal(u, "objectclass", "user"))
                .Select("cn", "sAMAccountName", "mail");

            foreach (var item in response)
                var dirAtts = item as LinqToLdap.Collections.DirectoryAttributes;
                Console.WriteLine("DN: {0}", dirAtts.DistinguishedName);
                foreach (var dirAtt in dirAtts)
                    Console.WriteLine("Key: {0:30} Value:{1}", dirAtt.Key, dirAtt.Value);

            // ----- End of section to replace -----

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress a key to continue...");

Each query returns a set of DirectoryAttributes collections. Each DirectoryAttributes collection is a set of KeyValuePairs<string, object>, the string being the attribute name and the object being the attribute value.

The second example repeats the above query but processes the results differently: an excuse to show how to gather the results from the set of DirectoryAttributes collections into a single set. Let’s say you need the three attributes for three separate purposes. You can still process it as a single query and use ToList() to run it once. You can then use queries on the results of the ToList() as in the ‘var emailAddresses =’ query below to pull out those values for processing. (I haven’t shown queries for cn and sAMAccountName but they’d be similar.)  You need an IgnoreCase StringComparison option if you tend to type the descriptions as they are in AD, such as sAMAccountName, so I include it here even though it’s not necessasry in this case.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var distinguishedName = "CN=Group1,OU=Test Groups,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger";
    var response = context.Query(distinguishedName, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Base)
        .WithControls(new[] { new System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl("member") })
        .Where(u => Filter.Equal(u, "objectclass", "user"))
        .Select("cn", "sAMAccountName", "mail");

    var attributes = response.ToList();

    var emailAddresses = attributes.SelectMany(collection => collection
        .Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("mail", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
        .Select(kvp => kvp.Value));

    foreach (var email in emailAddresses)

    // ----- End of section to replace -----

The third example is another variation on the original. This time, only a single attribute, mail, is retrieved from the group members. They’re pulled into a single set of results in an additional query.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var distinguishedName = "CN=Group1,OU=Test Groups,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger";
    var response = context.Query(distinguishedName, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Base)
        .WithControls(new[] { new System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl("member") })
        .Where(u => Filter.Equal(u, "objectclass", "user"))

    var attributes = response.ToList();

    var emailAddresses = attributes.SelectMany(collection => collection.Select(kvp => kvp.Value));

    foreach (var email in emailAddresses)

    // ----- End of section to replace -----

You could put the two queries together into a single statement:

    var emailAddresses = context.Query(distinguishedName, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Base)
        .WithControls(new[] { new System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl("member") })
        .Where(u => Filter.Equal(u, "objectclass", "user"))
        .SelectMany(collection => collection.Select(kvp => kvp.Value));

but it feels a bit messy to me, with the ToList() in the middle.

The final example shows how to query a user to get the telephoneNumber of the user’s manager.

    // ----- Start of section to replace -----

    var user = "CN=Test User 1,OU=Test Users,DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger";
    var telephoneNumber = context.Query(user, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Base)
        .WithControls(new[] { new System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl("manager") })
        .Where(u => Filter.Equal(u, "objectclass", "user"))


    // ----- End of section to replace -----

Further reading:

Introduction to System.DirectoryServices.Protocols (S.DS.P): Creating an Attribute Scoped Query (ASQ)

DirectorySearcher.AttributeScopeQuery Property


Creating a directory objects assembly for LinqToLdap


This post was originally just going to be the first half of the next one but I thought a few people might find it useful on its own.  It describes creating a class library assembly containing the definitions of:

  • GroupObject
  • OrganizationalUnitObject
  • UserObject

and their ClassMaps.  It’s not meant to be prescriptive; this is just how I decided to create such an assembly and my thoughts on why I did a couple of things.

First, I’ll talk about the attribute type definitions in general, then, I’ll talk about some specific attribute type definitions and, finally, I’ll show you how to create the assembly.

Attribute type definitions

In this section I discuss the options available to you when mapping some LDAP attributes types to CLR types.

Integers and Large Integers/Intervals

For Integers, you have a choice of

  • Int32
  • Nullable<Int32>

For Intervals, you have a choice of:

  • Int64
  • Nullable<Int64>
  • DateTime
  • Nullable<DateTime>

Given the extra hassle of dealing with nullables, why would you do so?

When you create a user on a domain controller, Active Directory will set certain values for you. For example,

accountExpires = 9223372036854775807 [Large Integer/Interval]
badPasswordTime = 0 [Large Integer/Interval]
badPwdCount = 0 [Integer]
logonCount = 0 [Integer]
pwdLastSet = 0 [Large Integer/Interval]

If you check another domain controller you’ll find some of them don’t have values because AD doesn’t replicate some attributes:

accountExpires = 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime = <not set>
badPwdCount = <not set>
logonCount = <not set>
pwdLastSet = 0

For the Integers, if you map them as Int32, the <not set> will be rendered as zero. If it’s important to you to know when they’re <not set> and when they’re actually zero, you need to map them as Nullable<Int32>.

Likewise with the Large Integer/Intervals, if you map them as Int64, the <not set> will be rendered as zero, so if you need to know when they’re <not set>, you need to map them as Nullable<Int64>.

If they are Intervals (such as the ones listed above) you also have the choice of mapping them as DateTime or Nullable<DateTime> (using .DateTimeFormat(null) in the ClassMap).

  • If you map them as DateTime, if the value is
    • <not set>, you’ll see “01/01/0001 00:00:00”;
    • zero you’ll see “01/01/1601 00:00:00”
  • If you map them as Nullable<DateTime> and the value is
    • <not set>, you’ll see null;
    • zero you’ll see “01/01/1601 00:00:00”.

So, with mapping to DateTime you don’t need Nullable to know whether the directory value was set but to me, at least, if feels cleaner to test for HasValue than = “01/01/0001 00:00:00”.

Multi-valued Unicode String attributes

You have a choice when mapping multi-valued Unicode String directory attributes.  You can, and generally should, map them as some form of Collection<String>.  But, if you’re only ever going store and retrieve a single value, you can map them as a simple String.  If you do so and there is more than one value in the attribute and you try to read it, you’ll see only one of the values.  If you try to update it, the update will replace all values in the attribute with the single value provided.

Specific attribute type definitions

So, now you’ve seen the options, I’ll discuss what I actually chose for specific attributes in my current model and why.  I’ll go class by class.



I’ve mapped description to String even though it’s described in the schema as a multi-valued attribute.  description is restricted to single values for SAM-managed classes (e.g. user and group) for backwards compatibility, because the attribute was so-defined in the SAM APIs which pre-date Active Directory.  You can read more, here.



I’ve mapped accountExpires to Int64 because it always has a value and because its default value (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) cannot be directly mapped to a valid DateTime using DateTime.FromFileTime(Int64).


I’ve mapped badPasswordTime to Nullable<DateTime> because it can be <not set> and because when I use it, it’ll be to know the date/time of the last bad password on this DC.


I’ve mapped badPwdCount to Nullable<Int32> because it can be <not set> and because I’ve no reason not to do so.

c, co and countryCode

These three attributes are ‘linked’ in ADU&C, in that setting Country/region: sets all three values.  In the directory itself, they are not linked and can be set and cleared independently.  Setting c, will result in ADU&C displaying the country; setting either or both of the other two will not.


I’ve mapped jpegPhoto to Byte[].  You can convert the bytes to a bitmap using something like:

var bitmap2 = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(user.jpegPhoto));


I’ve mapped lastLogonTimestamp to Nullable<DateTime> because it can be <not set> and because when I use it it’ll be to know the approximate date/time of the last logon.


I’ve mapped logonCount to Nullable<Int32> because it can be <not set> and because I’ve no reason not to do so.


I’ve mapped pwdLastSet to Int64 because it always has a value – it’s never <not set>.  I could’ve mapped it to DateTime and used .DateTimeFormat(null) but if I use this at all it’ll most likely be to see if the user needs to change their password at next logon.  To do this, I’ll be checking for pwdLastSet = 0 (and userAccountControl doesn’t contain UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD) so it’s easier to have it as an Int64.  On those occasions when I need the date/time I can always convert it using DateTime.FromFileTime(Int64).


I’ve mapped thumbnailPhoto to Byte[].  You can convert it to a bitmap using something like:

var bitmap = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(user.thumbnailPhoto));


I’ve mapped unicodePwd to a Byte[].  To set this value, use something like this:

/// <summary> 
/// Returns a unicode-encoded byte array based on the incoming password string.
/// </summary>
/// The password to turn into a byte array
public byte[] GetPasswordData(string password)
    var formattedPassword = String.Format("\"{0}\"", password);
    return Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(formattedPassword);

I found this, here.  Note that you must be connected over SSL to set this value in Active Directory.


I’ve mapped userAccountControl to Int32 with the expectation that I’ll cast to and from an enum defined with FlagsAttribute, called UserAccountControlFlags.  See the project files below for more details.



I’ve mapped groupType to an enum called GroupTypes (see below for definition).  Why have I not used Int32 and  FlagsAttribute on the enum?  Although the values are defined in powers of two and it’s possible to use bitwise operations on them, I’m more confident that I can defined all of the required combinations and make use of LinqToLdap’s .EnumStoredAsInt() method to simplify things.



I’ve mapped description as a Collection<String>.  See the explanation of description for UserObject for details.

Create the assembly

First, create a new Class Library project.  I called mine ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects because I like meaningful names for my projects, namespaces and assemblies and I tend to keep them all in line.

Now, add a reference to LinqToLdap.

Next, add a folder to the project, called ClassMaps.  To do this, right-click on the project name and select Add > New Folder.

Enter the name ClassMaps.

There are two reasons to do this: first, if you end up with a lot of directory object classes and ClassMaps, it’ll make them easier to find and manage; and second, by putting all of the ClassMaps in their own namespace, if you only add a using statement for the main namespace, IntelliSense won’t be cluttered with the ClassMap names.

Next, add a class file to the ClassMaps folder, called OrganizationalUnitObjectMap.cs.  Add another called GroupObjectMap.cs.  Add a third called UserObjectMap.cs.

Next, add class files to the main part of the project called:

  1. GroupObject.cs
  2. GroupTypes.cs
  3. OrganizationalUnitObject.cs
  4. SecPrinMailRecipEtc.cs
  5. Top.cs
  6. UserAccountControlFlags.cs
  7. UserObject.cs

So, why the extra files, Top and SecPrinMailRecipEtc, and why the odd name?

As you probably know Active Directory implements an inheritance model.  Unlike C#, AD supports multiple-inheritance through something called auxiliary classes.  For example, user inherits from mailRecipient, posixAccount, securityPrincipal and shadowAccount.  This is tricky to replicate in C#, so for this article I fudged it.  🙂

Everything that comes from top is in Top (except description – see the class file comments for the details).  Stuff that was common to group and user went in SecPrinMailRecipEtc.  If I were implementing other classes, I would probably have to be a bit cleverer than that.  cn which belongs in top (but is optional) went in SecPrinMailRecipEtc because organizationalUnit doesn’t have a cn attribute.  You’ve probably figured out why the odd name, by now.

Your project should now look something like this:

The next step is to add the code.


using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public abstract class Top : DirectoryObjectBase
        // description cannot be implemented here because it has different uses in
        // Active Directory.  For SAM-managed objects, it is used as if it were
        // defined as single-valued.  For other objects, it is used as defined,
        // which is as a multi-valued object.  For this reason, I think it makes
        // sense to implement it differently for SAM- and non-SAM-managed objects.
        // See the definitions of SecPrinMailRecipEtc and OrganizationalUnit for
        // examples.
        // Ref:

        private string _displayName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display-Name. The display name for an object. This is usually
        /// the combination of the users first name, middle initial, and last name.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String displayName
            get { return this._displayName; }
                if (value != this._displayName)
                    this._displayName = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.displayName);

        /// <summary> 
        /// Obj-Dist-Name.
        /// </summary>
        public String distinguishedName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// RDN. The Relative Distinguished Name of an object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String name { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Object-Guid. The unique identifier for an object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Guid objectGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// USN-Changed. USN value assigned by the local directory for the
        /// latest change, including creation.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 uSNChanged { get; set; }
        /// USN-Created. USN-Changed value assigned at object creation.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 uSNCreated { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// When-Changed. The date when this object was last changed. This
        /// value is not replicated and exists in the global catalog.
        /// [From:"]
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime whenChanged { get; set; }
        /// When-Created. The date when this object was created. This value
        /// is replicated and is in the global catalog.
        /// [From:"]
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime whenCreated { get; set; }

        private string _wWWHomePage;
        /// <summary>
        /// WWW-HomePage. The primary webpage.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String wWWHomePage
            get { return this._wWWHomePage; }
                if (value != this._wWWHomePage)
                    this._wWWHomePage = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.wWWHomePage);


using System;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public abstract class SecPrinMailRecipEtc : Top
        public String commonName { get; set; }  // Top (but optional)

        private string _description;
        /// <summary>
        /// Description. Contains the description to display for an object. In
        /// Active Directory, this value is restricted as single-valued for
        /// backward compatibility in some cases but is allowed to be multi-valued
        /// in others. See 'Remarks' on the follow link.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String description
            get { return this._description; }
                if (value != this._description)
                    this._description = value;
                    this.AttributeChanged(a => a.description);

        private string _info;                   // mailRecipient
        /// <summary>
        /// A comment attribute, shown as 'Notes' in ADU&C for users and groups.
        /// </summary>
        public String info
            get { return this._info; }
                if (value != this._info)
                    this._info = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private string _mail;                   // group
        /// <summary>
        /// E-mail-Address.
        /// </summary>
        public String mail
            get { return this._mail; }
                if (value != this._mail)
                    this._mail = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.mail);

        /// <summary>
        /// Object-Sid.
        /// </summary>
        public System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier objectSid { get; set; } // securityPrincipal

        private string _sAMAccountName;          // securityPrincipal
        public String sAMAccountName
            get { return this._sAMAccountName; }
                if (value != this._sAMAccountName)
                    this._sAMAccountName = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.sAMAccountName);

        /// <summary>
        /// SAM-Account-Type. This attribute contains information about
        /// every account type object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 sAMAccountType { get; set;}  // securityPrincipal

        private string _telephoneNumber;        // mailRecipient
        public String telephoneNumber
            get { return this._telephoneNumber; }
                if (value != this._telephoneNumber)
                    this._telephoneNumber = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.telephoneNumber);


using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public class GroupObject : SecPrinMailRecipEtc
        private GroupTypes _groupType;          // group
        /// <summary>
        /// Group-Type. Contains a set of flags that define the type and scope
        /// of a group object. For the possible values for this attribute,
        /// see Remarks in the following link.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public GroupTypes groupType
            get { return this._groupType; }
                if (value != this._groupType)
                    this._groupType = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.groupType);

        private string _managedBy;              // group
        /// <summary> 
        /// The distinguished name of the user that is assigned to manage this object.
        /// </summary>
        public String managedBy
            get { return this._managedBy; }
                if (value != this._managedBy)
                    this._managedBy = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.managedBy);

        private Collection _member;     // group
        /// <summary>
        /// Member. The list of users that belong to the group.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Collection member
            get { return this._member; }
                if (value != this._member)
                    this._member = value;
                    AttributeChanged>(a => a.member);


using System;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public class OrganizationalUnitObject : Top
        /// <summary>
        /// Organizational-Unit-Name (ou). The name of the organizational unit.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public String organizationalUnitName { get; set; }

        private Collection _description;     // top (see note on Top)
        /// <summary>
        /// Description. Contains the description to display for an object. In
        /// Active Directory, this value is restricted as single-valued for
        /// backward compatibility in some cases but is allowed to be multi-valued
        /// in others. See 'Remarks' on the follow link.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Collection description
            get { return this._description; }
                if (value != this._description)
                    this._description = value;
                    AttributeChanged>(a => a.description);

        private string _managedBy;              // organizationalUnit
        /// <summary>
        /// The distinguished name of the user that is assigned to manage this object.
        /// </summary>
        public String managedBy
            get { return this._managedBy; }
                if (value != this._managedBy)
                    this._managedBy = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.managedBy);


using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public class UserObject : SecPrinMailRecipEtc
        public UserObject()
            //this.accountExpires = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
            this._userAccountControl = 546;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a unicode-encoded byte array based on the incoming password string.
        /// Use this to convert your password value into the format required by
        /// <param name="password">The password to turn into a byte array</param>.
        /// </summary>
        ///The password to turn into a byte array
        public static Byte[] GetPasswordData(string password)
            var formattedPassword = String.Format("\"{0}\"", password);
            return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(formattedPassword);

        #region ----- directory object properties and fields  -----

        private long _accountExpires;                      // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Account-Expires. The date when the account expires. This value
        /// represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
        /// January 1, 1601 (UTC). A value of 0 or 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
        /// (9223372036854775807) indicates that the account never expires.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 accountExpires
            get { return this._accountExpires; }
                if (value != this._accountExpires)
                    this._accountExpires = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.accountExpires);

        /// <summary>
        /// Bad-Password-Time. The last time and date that an attempt to log on
        /// to this account was made with a password that is not valid. This value
        /// is stored as a large integer that represents the number of
        /// 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
        /// A value of zero means that the last time a incorrect password was
        /// used is unknown. This attribute is not replicated and is maintained
        /// separately on each domain controller in the domain. To get an accurate
        /// value for the user's last bad password time in the domain, each domain
        /// controller in the domain must be queried. The largest value that is
        /// obtained represents the true bad password time.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Nullable badPasswordTime { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The number of times the user tried to log on to the account using an
        /// incorrect password. A value of 0 indicates that the value is unknown.
        /// This attribute is not replicated and is maintained separately on each
        /// domain controller in the domain. This attribute is reset on a specific
        /// domain controller when the user successfully logs onto that domain
        /// controller.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Nullable badPwdCount { get; set; }

        private string _c;                      // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Country-Name (e.g. GB). Set when 'Country/region' is set in ADU&C.
        /// </summary>
        public String c
            get { return this._c; }
                if (value != this._c)
                    this._c = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.c);

        private string _co;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Text-Country (e.g. United Kingdom). Set when 'Country/region' is set in ADU&C.
        /// </summary>
        public String co
            get { return this._co; }
                if (value != this._co)
                    this._co = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private string _comment;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// User-Comment.
        /// </summary>
        public String comment
            get { return this._comment; }
                if (value != this._comment)
                    this._comment = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.comment);

        private string _company;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Company.
        /// </summary>
        public String company
            get { return this._company; }
                if (value != this._company)
                    this._company = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private int _countryCode;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Country-Code (e.g. 826).  Set when 'Country/region' is set in ADU&C.
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 countryCode
            get { return this._countryCode; }
                if (value != this._countryCode)
                    this._countryCode = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.countryCode);

        private string _department;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Department.
        /// </summary>
        public String department
            get { return this._department; }
                if (value != this._department)
                    this._department = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.department);

        private string _division;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Division.
        /// </summary>
        public String division
            get { return this._division; }
                if (value != this._division)
                    this._division = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.division);

        private string _employeeID;              // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Employee-ID.
        /// </summary>
        public String employeeID
            get { return this._employeeID; }
                //TODO: Trap length > 16
                if (value != this._employeeID)
                    this._employeeID = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.employeeID);

        private string _employeeNumber;                // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Employee-Number.
        /// </summary>
        public String employeeNumber
            get { return this._employeeNumber; }
                if (value != this._employeeNumber)
                    this._employeeNumber = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.employeeNumber);

        private string _employeeType;                // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Employee-Type.
        /// </summary>
        public String employeeType
            get { return this._employeeType; }
                if (value != this._employeeType)
                    this._employeeType = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.employeeType);

        private string _givenName;                // organizationalPerson & user
        /// <summary>
        /// Given-Name.
        /// </summary>
        public String givenName
            get { return this._givenName; }
                if (value != this._givenName)
                    this._givenName = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.givenName);

        private string _homeDirectory;          // posixAccount & user
        /// <summary>
        /// Home-Directory.
        /// </summary>
        public String homeDirectory
            get { return this._homeDirectory; }
                if (value != this._homeDirectory)
                    this._homeDirectory = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.homeDirectory);

        private string _homeDrive;                // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Home-Drive.
        /// </summary>
        public String homeDrive
            get { return this._homeDrive; }
                if (value != this._homeDrive)
                    this._homeDrive = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.homeDrive);

        private string _initials;                // organizationalPerson & user
        /// <summary>
        /// Initials.
        /// </summary>
        public String initials
            get { return this._initials; }
                if (value != this._initials)
                    this._initials = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.initials);

        private byte[] _jpegPhoto;                // user
        /// <summary>
        /// jpegPhoto. Used to store one or more images of a person using
        /// the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF].
        /// </summary>
        public Byte[] jpegPhoto
            get { return this._jpegPhoto; }
                if (value != this._jpegPhoto)
                    this._jpegPhoto = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.jpegPhoto);

        private string _l;                // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Locality-Name.
        /// </summary>
        public String l
            get { return this._l; }
                if (value != this._l)
                    this._l = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.l);

        /// <summary>
        /// Last-Logon-Timestamp. This is the time that the user last logged into
        /// the domain. Whenever a user logs on, the value of this attribute is
        /// read from the DC. If the value is older [ current_time - msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval ],
        /// the value is updated. The initial update after the raise of the domain
        /// functional level is calculated as 14 days minus random percentage of 5 days.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref=""/>
        public Nullable lastLogonTimestamp { get; set; }   // user

        // lockoutTime

        /// <summary>
        /// Logon-Count. The number of times the account has successfully logged
        /// on. A value of 0 indicates that the value is unknown. This attribute
        /// is not replicated and is maintained on each domain controller in the
        /// domain. Due to compatibility with 16-bit versions of LAN Manager,
        /// the attribute has an upper limit of 65535. After this limit has been
        /// reached, you cannot use it as an indicator of user activity on this
        /// domain controller.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Nullable logonCount { get; set; }           // user

        private string _manager;        // organizationalPerson & user
        /// <summary>
        /// Manager. The distinguishedName of the manager object.
        /// </summary>
        public String manager
            get { return this._manager; }
                if (value != this._manager)
                    this._manager = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.manager);

        private string _mobile;        // organizationalPerson & user
        /// <summary>
        /// Phome-Mobile-Primary.
        /// </summary>
        public String mobile
            get { return this._mobile; }
                if (value != this._mobile)
                    this._mobile = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private Collection _otherTelephone;
        /// <summary>
        /// Phone-Office-Other.
        /// </summary>
        public Collection otherTelephone
            get { return this._otherTelephone; }
                if (value != this._otherTelephone)
                    this._otherTelephone = value;
                    AttributeChanged>(a => a.otherTelephone);

        /// <summary>
        /// Pwd-Last-Set. The date and time that the password for this account
        /// was last changed. This value is stored as a large integer that
        /// represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since
        /// January 1, 1601 (UTC). If this value is set to 0 and the
        /// <see cref="userAccountControl"/> attribute does not contain the 
        /// <see cref="UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD"/> flag, then the user must set the password at
        /// the next logon.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int64 pwdLastSet { get; set; }

        private string _personalTitle;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Personal-Title. The title independent of job function, e.g. Mr or Ms.
        /// </summary>
        public String personalTitle
            get { return this._personalTitle; }
                if (value != this._personalTitle)
                    this._personalTitle = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.personalTitle);

        private string _physicalDeliveryOfficeName;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Physical-Delivery-Office-Name. Shown as 'Office' in ADU&C.
        /// </summary>
        public String physicalDeliveryOfficeName
            get { return this._physicalDeliveryOfficeName; }
                if (value != this._physicalDeliveryOfficeName)
                    this._physicalDeliveryOfficeName = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.physicalDeliveryOfficeName);

        private string _postalCode;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Postal-Code.
        /// </summary>
        public String postalCode
            get { return this._postalCode; }
                if (value != this._postalCode)
                    this._postalCode = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.postalCode);

        private string _postOfficeBox;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Post-Office-Box.
        /// </summary>
        public String postOfficeBox
            get { return this._postOfficeBox; }
                if (value != this._postOfficeBox)
                    this._postOfficeBox = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.postOfficeBox);

        private string _profilePath;        // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Profile-Path.
        /// </summary>
        public String profilePath
            get { return this._profilePath; }
                if (value != this._profilePath)
                    this._profilePath = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.profilePath);


        private string _scriptPath;        // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Script-Path.
        /// </summary>
        public String scriptPath
            get { return this._scriptPath; }
                if (value != this._scriptPath)
                    this._scriptPath = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.scriptPath);

        private Collection _seeAlso;            // person
        /// <summary>
        /// See-Also. List of distinguished names that are related to an object.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Collection seeAlso
            get { return this._seeAlso; }
                if (value != this._seeAlso)
                    this._seeAlso = value;
                    AttributeChanged>(a => a.seeAlso);

        private string _sn;                 // person
        /// <summary>
        /// Surname.
        /// </summary>
        public String sn
            get { return this._sn; }
                if (value != this._sn)
                    this._sn = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private string _st;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// State-Or-Province-Name
        /// </summary>
        public String st
            get { return this._st; }
                if (value != this._st)
                    this._st = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a =>;

        private string _street;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Street-Address. [c.f. <see cref="streetAddress"/>, which is named Street.]
        /// </summary>
        public String street
            get { return this._street; }
                if (value != this._street)
                    this._street = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.street);

        private string _streetAddress;        // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Address. This is property displayed in ADU&C as 'Street'. 
        /// [c.f. <see cref="street"/>, which is named Street-Address.]
        /// </summary>
        public String streetAddress
            get { return this._streetAddress; }
                if (value != this._streetAddress)
                    this._streetAddress = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.streetAddress);

        private byte[] _thumbnailPhoto;         // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Picture.
        /// </summary>
        public Byte[] thumbnailPhoto
            get { return this._thumbnailPhoto; }
                if (value != this._thumbnailPhoto)
                    this._thumbnailPhoto = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.thumbnailPhoto);

        private string _title;                  // organizationalPerson
        /// <summary>
        /// Title.
        /// </summary>
        public String title
            get { return this._title; }
                if (value != this._title)
                    this._title = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.title);

        private string _uid;                    // user, shadowAccount and posixAccount
        /// <summary>
        /// A user ID. Usually used by UNIX for the login.
        /// </summary>
        public String uid
            get { return this._uid; }
                if (value != this._uid)
                    this._uid = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.uid);

        private byte[] _unicodePwd;             // user
        /// <summary>
        /// Unicode-Pwd. The ActiveDirectory password. It is write-only
        /// and can only be written over an SSL connection.
        /// </summary>
        public Byte[] unicodePwd
            get { return this._unicodePwd; }
                if (value != this._unicodePwd)
                    this._unicodePwd = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.unicodePwd);

        private int _userAccountControl;        // user
        /// <summary>
        /// User-Acccount-Control. Flags that control the behavior of the user account.
        /// See <see cref="UserAccountControlFlags"/>.
        /// [From:]
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 userAccountControl
            get { return this._userAccountControl; }
                if (value != this._userAccountControl)
                    this._userAccountControl = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.userAccountControl);

        private string _userPrincipalName;      // user
        /// <summary>
        /// User-Principal-Name.
        /// </summary>
        public String userPrincipalName
            get { return this._userPrincipalName; }
                if (value != this._userPrincipalName)
                    this._userPrincipalName = value;
                    AttributeChanged(a => a.userPrincipalName);

        #endregion ----- directory object properties and fields -----


using System;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps
    public class GroupObjectMap : ClassMap
        public GroupObjectMap()
            NamingContext("DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger");   // Replace with your defaultNamingContext

            Map(x => x.groupType).EnumStoredAsInt();
            Map(x => x.managedBy);
            Map(x => x.member);

            //From SecPrinMailRecipEtc
            Map(x => x.commonName).Named("cn").StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.description);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.mail);
            Map(x => x.objectSid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.sAMAccountName);
            Map(x => x.sAMAccountType).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.telephoneNumber);

            // From Top
            DistinguishedName(x => x.distinguishedName);

            Map(x => x.displayName);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.objectGuid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.wWWHomePage);


using System;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps
    public class OrganizationalUnitObjectMap : ClassMap
        public OrganizationalUnitObjectMap()
            NamingContext("DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger");   //   Replace with your defaultNamingContext

            Map(x => x.organizationalUnitName).Named("ou").StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.description);
            Map(x => x.managedBy);

            // From Top
            DistinguishedName(x => x.distinguishedName);

            Map(x => x.displayName);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.objectGuid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.wWWHomePage);


using System;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToLdap.Mapping;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects.ClassMaps
    public class UserObjectMap : ClassMap
        public UserObjectMap()
            NamingContext("DC=big,DC=wooden,DC=badger");   // Replace with your defaultNamingContext

            Map(x => x.accountExpires);
            Map(x => x.badPasswordTime).StoreGenerated().DateTimeFormat(null);
            Map(x => x.badPwdCount).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.c);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.comment);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.countryCode);
            Map(x => x.department);
            Map(x => x.division);
            Map(x => x.employeeID);
            Map(x => x.employeeNumber);
            Map(x => x.employeeType);
            Map(x => x.givenName);
            Map(x => x.homeDirectory);
            Map(x => x.homeDrive);
            Map(x => x.initials);
            Map(x => x.jpegPhoto);
            Map(x => x.l);
            Map(x => x.lastLogonTimestamp).StoreGenerated().DateTimeFormat(null);
            Map(x => x.logonCount).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.manager);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.otherTelephone);
            Map(x => x.personalTitle);
            Map(x => x.physicalDeliveryOfficeName);
            Map(x => x.postalCode);
            Map(x => x.postOfficeBox);
            Map(x => x.profilePath);
            Map(x => x.pwdLastSet).StoreGenerated().DateTimeFormat(null);
            Map(x => x.scriptPath);
            Map(x => x.seeAlso);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.street);
            Map(x => x.streetAddress);
            Map(x => x.thumbnailPhoto);
            Map(x => x.title);
            Map(x => x.uid);
            Map(x => x.unicodePwd);
            Map(x => x.userAccountControl);
            Map(x => x.userPrincipalName);

            //From SecPrinMailRecipEtc
            Map(x => x.commonName).Named("cn").StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.description);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.mail);
            Map(x => x.objectSid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.sAMAccountName);
            Map(x => x.sAMAccountType).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.telephoneNumber);

            // From Top
            DistinguishedName(x => x.distinguishedName);

            Map(x => x.displayName);
            Map(x =>;
            Map(x => x.objectGuid).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.uSNCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenChanged).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.whenCreated).StoreGenerated();
            Map(x => x.wWWHomePage);


using System;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public enum GroupTypes
        GlobalDistribution = 2,                     // 0x00000002
        DomainLocalDistribution = 4,                // 0x00000004
        UniversalDistribution = 8,                  // 0x00000008
        AzManBasic = 16,                            // 0x00000010
        AzManLdapQuery = 32,                        // 0x00000020
        GlobalSecurity = -2147483646,               // 0x80000002
        DomainLocalSecurity = -2147483644,          // 0x80000004
        BuiltinDomainLocalSecurity = -2147483643,   // 0x80000005
        UniversalSecurity = -2147483640             // 0x80000008


using System;

namespace ilminator.LinqToLdap.DirectoryObjects
    public enum UserAccountControlFlags
        SCRIPT = 0x0001,                                // 1
        ACCOUNTDISABLE = 0x0002,                        // 2
        HOMEDIR_REQUIRED = 0x0008,                      // 8
        LOCKOUT = 0x0010,                               // 16
        PASSWD_NOTREQD = 0x0020,                        // 32
        PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = 0x0040,                    // 64
        ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED = 0x0080,            // 128
        TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = 0x0100,                // 256
        NORMAL_ACCOUNT = 0x0200,                        // 512
        INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x0800,             // 2048
        WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x1000,             // 4096
        SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x2000,                  // 8192
        DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD = 0x10000,                 // 65536
        MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT = 0x20000,                    // 131072
        SMARTCARD_REQUIRED = 0x40000,                   // 262144
        TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION = 0x80000,               // 524288
        NOT_DELEGATED = 0x100000,                       // 1048576
        USE_DES_KEY_ONLY = 0x200000,                    // 2097152
        DONT_REQ_PREAUTH = 0x400000,                    // 4194304
        PASSWORD_EXPIRED = 0x800000,                    // 8388608
        TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION = 0x1000000      // 16777216

Finally, build the solution, and you’re ready to go.

I’ve uploaded two versions of this, one with the LinqToLdap assembly files included and one without. Links are on the Downloads page.

A C# Reading List by Eric Lippert – InformIT

A C# Reading List by Eric Lippert

via A C# Reading List by Eric Lippert | | InformIT.

None of which I’ve read, yet.